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Axis It&T

(5 out of 5 based on 3 Ratings)
Axis IT&T

Axis IT&T Limited is engaged in delivering design based solutions to global engineering majors. Axis IT&T Limited is organized into two divisions – EDS and Software Development Services, with development centers in North America, Europe and Asia. The company's clients are from industries like Aerospace, Aviation, Automotive, Manufacturing, Military, Semiconductor and Medical industries and the company is ISO 9001:2008 certified. The company’s shares are listed on BSE and NSE.  

Below you will find details about Axis IT&T Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

A-264, Second Floor,
Defence Colony,
New Delhi - 110024
Tel: 011-26165300
Fax: 011-26164213


Corporate Contact Details

D-30, Sector-3
Noida - 201301
Uttar Pradesh - India
Phone : 4518200
Fax : 2442921


Company Registrar

Karvy Computershare Private Ltd "Karvy House"
46, Avenue 4,
Street No. 1,
Banjara Hills
Tel: 040-23312454, 23320251/751/752
Fax: 040-23311968


Company Management

Name : Designation
S Ravinarayanan : Chairman & CEO
Kedar Nath Choudhury : Director
Kailash Rustagi : Director
Name : Designation
Rohitasava Chand : Director
Pradeep Dadlani : Director
P Hemanth Polavaram : Director




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