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Automobile Corporation Of Goa Ltd

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Automobile Corporation of Goa Ltd

Automobile Corporation of Goa Ltd. (ACGL) is the first major engineering unit to be set up in Goa. The company was established in 1982. The company manufactures sheet metal components, assemblies and bus coaches at its factories situated at villages Honda & Bhuimpal, Goa. The Sheet Metal Division at its three units has high tonnage presses with an output of more than 17,620 tonnes that have ensured complete customer satisfaction. The company is listed on BSE. 

Below you will find details about Automobile Corporation of Goa Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Auto Ancillaries

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Goa - 403530
Tel: 0832-6731223 0832-6731227
Fax: 0832-2327027


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar


Company Management

Name : Designation
S V Salgaocar : Chairman / Chair Person
P M Telang : Director
C Ramakrishnan : Director
Ananth Prabhu : Executive Director
Name : Designation
P F X D'Lima : Director
Steven A Pinto : Director
V Krishnamurthy : Managing Director




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