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Home / Companies in India > Astral Poly Technik

Astral Poly Technik

(4 out of 5 based on 3 Ratings)
Astral Poly Technik

Astral Poly Technik Limited was established in 1999. It started its commercial production of CPVC pipes and fittings at santej-15 Km from Ahmedabad. The company manufactures CPVC plumbing systems for both residential as well as industrial applications. The products manufactured by the company includes flow guard CPVC, corzan aquarius, underground, flow guard bendable. The company has clients from various industries such as Hospitality which include companies such as Krishna Heart Hospital Unity Hospital, Gokulam Medical Research, Hotel & Restaurant such as The Oberoi , Imperial , Hotel Claridges Hotel Abbott , etc;

Below you will find details about Astral Poly Technik Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Plastic Products

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

207/1/, B/h Rajpath Club,,Off. S.G. Highway
Ahmedabad - 380059
Tel: 079-30112100
Fax: 079-26872214


Corporate Contact Details

901, Parshwa Towers Opp. Rajpath Club Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway
Ahmedabad - 380054
Gujarat - India
Phone : 30112100
Fax : 26872214


Company Registrar

Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd E-2 & 3, Ansa Industrial Estate,
Saki-Vihar Road,Sakinaka
Andheri East
Tel: 022-28470652, 28470653 , 28523474, 28560652, 28560
Fax: 022-28475207, 27540562


Company Management

Name : Designation
K R Shenoy : Chairman & Ind.Director
Jagruti S Engineer : Executive Director
Kyle A Thompson : Non Executive Director
Name : Designation
Sandeep P Engineer : Managing Director
Pradip N Desai : Independent Director




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