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Ambika Cotton Mills

(2 out of 5 based on 15 Ratings)
Ambika Cotton Mills

Ambika Cotton Mills is a manufacturer of cotton yarn. It was incorporated as a private limited company on October 6, 1988 and got converted into a public limited company on September 5, 1994. The company has four manufacturing units in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. The company’s clientele consists of well-reputed manufacturers engaged in manufacturing shirts/knitwear products, both in the domestic and international markets. Approximately 45% of its products are exported directly to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Turkey, China, Korea, Singapore, Israel and Egypt and through merchant exporters to Peru, Italy, and Germany among other countries. The company is listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). 

Below you will find details about Ambika Cotton Mills Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

9-A, Valluvar Street
Sivanandha Colony,
Tamil Nadu
Tel: 0422-22491501 0422-22491502
Fax: 0422-22499623


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

SKDC Consultants Ltd. No.11, Street No.1,
S.N. Layout, Tatabad
Tel: 6549995, 2499803, 2499804
Fax: 2499574


Company Management

Name : Designation
K Venkatachalam : Director
Bhavya Chandran : Director
K N Sreedharan : Director
Name : Designation
R Soundararaja Perumal : Director
P V Chandran : Director
Seethalakshmi Nagarajan : Nominee Director




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Posted By : priyadarsini on 07-03-2013
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