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Home / Companies in India > Alembic Ltd

Alembic Ltd

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
Alembic Ltd

Established in 1907, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited is a leading pharmaceutical company in India. The company is vertically integrated with the ability to develop, manufacture and market pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical substances and intermediates. Alembic is the market leader in the Macrolides segment of anti-infective drugs in India. The company's manufacturing facilities are located in Vadodara and Baddi in Himachal Pradesh. The plant at Vadodara has the largest fermentation capacity in India. The company has its products in over 75 countries. The company is certified by FDA and MHRA. The company has its R & D center which is spread over 12000 sq.ft. 

Below you will find details about Alembic Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Alembic Road,
Vadodra - 390003
Tel: 0265-2280550 0265-2280880
Fax: 0265-2282506


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar

Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd. 308, Jaldhara Complex
Near Manisha Society
Tel: 2250241
Fax: 2250246


Company Management

Name : Designation
Chirayu R Amin : Chairman / Chair Person
B R Patel : Director
R M Kapadia : Non Exe.Ind.Addnl.Director
Name : Designation
Malika Amin : Whole Time Director
Milin Mehta : Director
Ashok Tulankar : Addl. Director & WTD




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