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Accurate Transformers Ltd

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Accurate Transformers Ltd

Accurate Transformers Limited is an Indian based Electrical Equipment Manufacturing company. ATL was established in 1988 and is now nearly 2 decades old company has well established state-of-art manufacturing facilities at Ghaziabad, Greater Noida, U.P., Haridwar and Dehradun. ATL’s present manufacturing range extends from 25KVA, 11KV to 160MVA 220KV class. The annual capacity of plants is 10,000MVA per annum, followed by continuous in-house technical research with the use of best quality raw materials to comply with the latest standards. Near about 1.5 to 2 lakh transformers are working around the country, manufactured by ATL. ATL’s all the units are ISO 9001-2008 certified companies which are continuously engaged in manufacturing transformers as per IS, IES standards. The Equity Shares of the company are listed at BSE, Delhi, Jaipur, Kanpur and Ahmedabad Stock Exchanges.

Below you will find details about Accurate Transformers Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Other Electric Equipment

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

8, LSC, Vardhman Sidhant Plaza,
Savita Vihar
Delhi - 1100092


Corporate Contact Details

Accurate Transformers Limited
A-2, Sector-10, Noida (U.P.) 
Phone No. : 0120-4534700 
Fax No. : 0120-2530919


Company Registrar

Mas Services Pvt Ltd T-34, 2nd Floor
Okhla Industrial Area
Phase - II
Tel: 011-26387281, 26387282, 26387283
Fax: 011-26387384


Company Management

Name : Designation
C L Sharma : Chairman and Managing director
Bhupal Singh : Director
Name : Designation
Deepak Sharma : Managing Director
Subhash Chander Sharma : Director




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