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Accel Transmatic Ltd

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Accel Transmatic Ltd

Accel Transmatic Limited was originally established as Transmatic Systems Ltd (TSL) in the year 1986 by two entrepreneurs from Kerala, M R Narayanan and T Ravindran, with equity participation from Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation, and IDBI. The company was promoted to develop and manufacture professional electronic products and communication systems in the state of Kerala, India. The company has got listed in the Mumbai, Chennai, Cochin Stock Exchanges. Currently, Accel Transmatic focuses on two core businesses – Embedded Software and Animation, which are operated through Ushus Technologies and Accel Animation Studios. All divisions of the company are quality certified. Transmatic Systems has ISO 9001 - 2000 accreditation, Ushus Technologies ISO 9001-2000 and CMM level 3. The Training division also is ISO certified.

Below you will find details about Accel Transmatic Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Storage Media and Periphals

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address


311, Nila, Technopark,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695581. 
Kerla, India.
Phone No: +91-471-3061234
Fax No : +91-471-2527651

Corporate Contact Details


75, Nelson Manickam Road,
Aminjikarai, Chennai 600029.
Phone No: +91-44-4225 2000
Fax No: +91-44- 42252315

Company Registrar

Integrated Enterprises (India) Ltd. Kences Towers, 2nd Floor
No. 1, Ramakrishna Street
North Usman Road
T Nagar
Tel: 044-28140801, 28140802
Fax: 044-28142479, 28143378


Company Management

Name : Designation
N R Panicker : Chairman / Chair Person
M R Narayanan : Independent Director
Name : Designation
Philip John : Whole Time Director
A Mohan Rao : Independent Director




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