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Acil Cotton Industries Ltd

(3 out of 5 based on 3 Ratings)
ACIL Cotton Industries Ltd

The Company was incorporated on May 6th, 1994 as a Public Limited Company under the name of Adeshwar Cotton Industries Limited and it received the Certificate of Commencement of Business on May 10th 1994, from the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat at Ahmedabad. The Company is setting up modern, automatic, quality oriented cotton ginning and pressing plant for producing contamination free, fully ginned and pressed cotton bales. The company is planning to acquire 2500 acres of land for its organic contract farming activity.

Below you will find details about ACIL Cotton Industries Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address


B-7/404, Natraj Township Part-II, 
Parsuram Nagar Soc. Rd.,,Sayajigunj 
Vadodra - 390005
Tel: 02752-2363678 
Fax: 02752-2363678

Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar


Purva Sharegistry Pvt. Ltd. Unit No.9, 
Ground Floor, 
Shiv Shakti Industrial Estate, 
J R Boricha Marg, Opp. Kasturba Hospital Lane, 
Mumbai - 400011

Company Management

Name : Designation
Jagdish Jani : Chairman / Chair Person
Sanjay Savani : Director
Kirit Shah : Director
Name : Designation
Ankur Shah : Managing Director
Satish Raval : Director
Anis Shah : Director




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