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Aadi Industries Ltd

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AADI Industries Ltd

The Company was incorporated on April 21, 1994, as JRC Finvest Limited, in the office of the Registrars of Companies, Gujarat at Ahmedabad. The Company obtained the Certificate for the Commencement of Business on May 3, 1994. AADI Industries Ltd is one of the most prominent and quality manufacturers of tarpaulin and plastic bags. The company has an extensive experience in the manufacture & export of rain seal brand PE tarpaulins, PE/PP woven fabric, woven sacks, canvas tarpaulins, water proof/dyed canvas fabrics, canvas tents & other related products. The company changed is registered office from Kalupur, Ahmedabad - 380 001, Gujarat to Ghatkopar - (East), Mumbai - 400 077, Maharashtra.

Below you will find details about AADI Industries Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type

Fibres and Plastics

Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Siddhivinayak Society, Building No. 320,
Flat No. 7, Hingwala Lane, Pant Nagar, 
Ghatkopar (East)
Mumbai - 400075
Tel: 022-25119706 022-25119768


Corporate Contact Details

320, Siddhivinayak Co. Op. Hsg Soc. Ltd, Hingwala Lane, Ghatkopar (East)
Mumbai - 400075
Maharashtra - India


Company Registrar

Sharex Dynamic (India) Pvt. Ltd. 17/B, Dena Bank Building,
2nd Floor, Horniman Circle,
Tel: 22702485, 22641376,
Fax: 22641349


Company Management

Name : Designation
Rushabh Shah : Chairman and Managing director
Shardul Shah : Director
Shardul Shah : Director
Name : Designation
Manasi Shah : Director
Surjit Banga : Independent Director




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