Heavy Engineering Companies in India
(3 out of 5 based on 50 Ratings)
Given below are the list of best Heavy Engineering Companies in India. The Heavy Engineering Companies in India are some of the vanguard corporation in the country’s economy. The heavy engineering goods and services in the country account a major share in the production and the distribution of engineering goods. The engineering Sector as seen the country is well bifurcated in terms of public undertaking and private Sector Corporation. Both leading and competing corporation are in the production of distribution of engineering goods. The whole concept of heavy Engineering includes the production of construction and industrial machinery, like turbines transformers and even non electrical heavy machinery. A recent engineering audit concluded that the Heavy Engineering sector in India makes use of the latest technology and services and are on power with the other striving to meet the international standards. These companies are also preferred for investment .Below is a compilation of Heavy Engineering Companies in India. Each company included in the list is complete with Company details. This includes a concise description along with information about the company’s incorporation, address and contact details, Present Managerial team and Job opportunities or placement if any that have been made by the company.
5th Floor,
TDI Center, Jasola
New Delhi - 110025
Tel: 011-26953623 011-26953633
Fax: 011-26953717
115, GVMM Estate,
Odhav Road,
Ahmedabad - 382410
Tel: 079-22901078-81
Fax: 079-22901077
Office No. 301, Global Port Building Survey
No. 45/1-10,
Mumbai Bangalore Highway Baner
Pune - 411 045
Phone: +91 206 734 11 00
Fax: +91 206 734 11 15
Rang Udyan, Building No. 2,
1st Floor, Sitladevi Temple Road,,Mahim (West)
Mumbai - 400016
Tel: 022-66255600
Fax: 022-66255614
Junagadh - 362030
Tel: 02873-252223 02873-252267
Fax: 02873-2661505 02873-252267
Bharat House, 5th Floor,
104, Bombay Samachar Marg,
Mumbai - 400001
Tel: 022-66378200
Fax: 022-22675601
No. 23/1, 4th Main Road,
Bangalore - 560027
Tel: 080-22963142
Fax: 080-22963142
No. A-5,
Pannamgadu Industrial Estate,
Ramapuram Post,
Nellore District - 524401
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 044-27948249
Fax: 044-27948359
BHEL House,
Siri Fort,
New Delhi - 110049
Tel: 011-66337000
Fax: 011-66337533
G. T. Road, Kanpur Mahanagar
Kanpur - 208003
Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0512-2521571
Fax: 0512-2522743