Food Processing Companies in India
(4 out of 5 based on 28 Ratings)
Given below are the list of best Food Processing Companies in India. Food Processing Companies in India are a vanguard sector of the Indian Economy. India ranks in the world as the second largest producer with China topping the list. The Country’s companies have also played a significant role in the production, processing and distribution of food. In the Indian context Food Processing industry is bracketed into various streams like dairy products, farm produce and consumer goods. These streams contribute and constitute a major share of Food Processing companies. The stream has been emerging and as such there is also a considerable growth rate for the same. Below is a compilation of Food Processing Companies in India. To serve you best in terms of your browsing each company included in the list is complete with Company details. This includes a concise description along with information about the company’s incorporation, address and contact details, Present Managerial team and Job opportunities or placement if any that have been made by the company.
83/86 G.I.D.C. Industrial Estate
Nadiad - 387 001, Gujarat,
Tel: +91-268-2551381,
Fax: +91-268-2565068
S.C.O. 30, 2nd Floor,
Sector 33- D,
Chandigarh - 160 020
Tel. : +91 - 172-2663336, 2606575
Fax : +91 - 172 - 2604045
Bommidala House,
D. No. 5-87-15/A, Lakshmipuram, Main Road
Guntur - 522007
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 0863-235108 0863-230758
Fax: 0863-230753 0863-2358453
5/1A, Hungerford Street,
Kolkata - 700017
West Bengal
Tel: 033-22872439 033-22872057
Fax: 033-22872501
Plot No. 399 & 400,
Survey No. 398, Village Sangvi,
Satara District - 412801
Roshanara Road,
Delhi - 110007
Tel: 011-23826445 011-23822409
Fax: 011-23822409
Sion-Trombay Road,
Mumbai - 400088
Tel: 022-25564326 022-22353104
Fax: 022-25564327
Patiala Road,
Nabha - 147201
Tel: 01765-311156
Fax: 01765-344129-344321
Vijayaraghava Road, T.Nagar
Chennai (Madras) - 600017
Tamil Nadu
Tel: 044-28150014
Fax: 044-28152508
Hyderabad - 500082
Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 040-23391221/2
Fax: 040-23318090