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Movie Theatres & Cinemas in Coimbatore

(4 out of 5 based on 5 Ratings)

Given below is the list of best cinemas in Coimbatore. Coimbatore has a deeply rooted influence of cinema, the first film studio in the state was started in the city and then many exhibitors took keen interest in setting up studio and facilities for cinema.  The city is also known for well concerted and developed infrastructure for communications. The same can be said in terms of cinemas as well. The single screen complexes have more than sustained but has done brisk business and stood up the challenges and the facilities offered by multi screen facilities. Multiplexes are an emerging concept in the city. The distribution chains in a small space of time have been able to carve out a niche among the audience and surge forward. Hence for your convenience we have listed the top and the  top Best Cinema in Coimbatore among distributors and multiscreen facilities. Each theatre mentioned in this list is complete with description and various services offered by the theatre.

KG Big Cinemas
Address : No 3,Near K G Hospital, Bungalow Road, Coimbatore Central, Coimbatore 641018, Tamil Nadu
KG Big Cinemas is a multiplex situated on Race Course Road. The cinema hall has excellent sound as well as picture quality. The cinema hall is fully air conditioned to provide comfort factor. The multiplex a ...
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